Foundation, Association and Cooperative Societies Law
- Prosecution of an action that are brought against foundation, association and co-ops directors
- Pursuance of the actions for damages that are brought against foundation, association and co-ops directors
- Association, CO-OPS Board of Directors – Foundation Board of Regents Consultancy
- Representation of the actions which are taken by foundation, association and co-ops in accordance with their purposes
- Pursuance of commercial cases of foundation, association and co-ops
- Establishment procedures of foundation, association and co-ops
- Custody of foundation, association and co-ops’ running
- Judicial custody of foundation, association and co-ops’ members and their decisions
- Consultancy service in terms of the operations that belong to foundation, association and co-ops
- Examination and arrangement of charters
- Examination and arrangement of foundation vouchers
- Pursuance of the actions in relation to foundation, association and co-ops’ setting-up, functioning and cancellation
- Obtaining necessary permission for foundation and association’s activities
- Conducting foundation, cooperative and board of trustees committee and general meetings
- Foundation, association and cooperative real estate buying and selling transactions
- Retaking foundation properties whose real estates are escheated and registering on behalf of foundation
- Auditing and devising for all kinds of contracts concerning foundation, association and co-ops
- Pursuance and legal counselling for all kinds of cases concerning foundation, association and co-ops