M. Berkay Nizamoğlu

M. Berkay Nizamoğlu

After graduating from Istanbul Saint - Joseph French High School, M. Berkay Nizamoğlu has received a BA degree at Faculty of Law, Bilkent University and then, completed his Masters of Law on “Capital Market and Commercial Law, Master with Thesis” at Bahçeşehir  University.

During his undergraduate study, he has participated in and successfully completed various certificate programs relating to foreign languages such as English and French languages in St. Julians/Malta and in Nice/French.  Besides, he participated in “the Cambridge Law Studio Legal English” Certificate Program in England to improve his “Legal English” and, passed with merit the “Test of Legal English Skills” (TOLES) he has entered as a result of the program he has participated in.

M. Berkay Nizamoğlu, has practiced in primarily “Real Property Law” , “Law of Contracts” and many various fields of Law. Nowadays, regarding ever-developing Sports Law, he has participated in and successfully completed the ‘Sports Law and Management’ Certificate Program in Kadir Has University. Besides, he has participated in many conferences on “Disciplinary Process and Decision Making Mechanism in Football” and “Efficient Management in Football: European Union and English Models” and he was awarded various certificates.

M. Berkay Nizamoğlu, had his internship training in various exclusive Law Firms, and by being registered to the Istanbul Bar Association, he started self-employed professional activities.  As founder of the NIZAMOGLU Law Office, he continues his legal activities and offers counseling services for local and foreign clients.

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